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How to Sell More Effectively on Social Media

If you haven’t realized it by now, almost every business, whether big or small, has signed up to one social media network or another. Social media is an amazing way to increase the awareness of your brand as well as to communicate directly with prospects and customers. But did you know that you could take advantage of social media in a number of different ways in order to increase sales? The following are a few ways that you should be using social media to sell more effectively:

Find More Prospects

Billions of people use social media, which means it’s an invaluable source for finding more prospects. Obviously, different types of people use different social media channels, which means you’ll need to do a little bit of research to find out what social networks your target audience uses. Once you’ve accomplished this, you’ll want to do the following in order to obtain more prospects:
* Use keywords – SEO doesn’t only work on your website, it works for social media as well. By using relevant keywords throughout your content as well as throughout your profile – such as in your “about our company” page that’s usually available on most social platforms, you’ll make it much easier for prospects to find you when they use their social media search functions in order to search for relevant keywords. And guess what? Even though Google is the number one search engine in the world, it’s actually social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook that are right behind Google, not other dedicated search engines such as Bing or Yahoo.

Read more: 3 Common SEO Mistakes To Avoid

* Post regularly – Posting content on a regular basis will help with your SEO. It will also help increase the chances of improving brand exposure since followers can share your content to their own social circles, thereby helping bring in more prospects.
* Qualify your leads – It’s actually much easier to qualify your leads through social media since all you have to do is look at a prospect’s profile. Here you’ll be able to see the kind things that they like and whether they follow any companies within the same industry as you. You can also see what type of content they have posted or shared and whether it’s similar to the content that you create. These types of prospects are much more likely to buy from you than those whose profiles and activity has seemingly nothing to do with your industry or brand.

Engaging With Prospects

It’s much easier to sell to prospects if you engage them on a personal level. Simply putting up a website with an ecommerce page and hoping your sales will increase isn’t going to work. The following are ways in which you can engage with your prospects via social media to help increase sales:
* Create a persona – Building a persona is an important facet to engaging with prospects. You want to come across as an actual person not a faceless corporation. This will make it easier for prospects to relate to you, making them more comfortable with your brand and therefore increasing the odds that you’ll be able to sell to them.
* Create social groups – Different social media platforms, such as Facebook and LinkedIn, allow you set up special groups. You can then invite prospects to join these groups. Here you can answer questions and show your expertise. You can also join different groups from different companies or relevant subjects and join in on discussions held by its members to establish yourself.
* Encourage conversation – Every once in a while, send out a Tweet or post a message that asks for the opinion of your followers. This will help to incite discussion and will help you build trust in your brand.
As you can see, social media can be an incredibly effective tool in helping you to improve your sales.​

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